====== Equipment ====== An equipment page for referencing. Equipment compiled by their relationship to eachother. \\ Individual pages: [[equipment:weapons]], [[equipment:accessories|]] =====Pure ATK===== **Standard sword** {{equipment:weapons:standard_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+3*LV| **Long sword** {{equipment:weapons:long_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+7*LV| **Fate claymore** {{equipment:weapons:fate_claymore.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+20*LV| **Shuriken** {{equipment:accessories:shuriken.png}} ^ Accessory | |ATK+5*LV| **Torch of the guardian** {{equipment:weapons:torch_of_the_guardian.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+(100-LV)*LV| =====Pure DEF===== **Kelt the emperor's cloak** {{equipment:accessories:kelt_the_emperor_cloak.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+12*LV| **Memory of the guardian** {{equipment:accessories:memory_of_the_guardian.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+(100-LV)*LV| =====ATK Stat-up===== **Fire knife** {{equipment:weapons:fire_knife.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+1*LV| |ATK+5 for each LVup| **Fire blade** {{equipment:weapons:fire_blade.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+6*LV| |ATK+10 for each LVup| **Sword necklace** {{equipment:accessories:sword_necklace.png}} ^ Accessory | |ATK+15*LV| |ATK+15 for each LVup| **Azure of the end** {{equipment:weapons:azure_of_the_end.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+28*LV| |ATK+20 for each LVup| =====DEF Stat-up===== **Shield badge** {{equipment:accessories:shield_badge.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+3*LV| |DEF+3 for each LVup| **Defender** {{equipment:weapons:defender.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+4*LV DEF+4*LV| |DEF+8 for each LVup| **Prism shield** {{equipment:accessories:prism_shield.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+24*LV| |DEF+20 for each LVup| =====HP Stat-up===== **Solar cross** {{equipment:accessories:solar_cross.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+4*LV| |Passive: HP+2000 for each LVup| **The reverence** {{equipment:weapons:the_reverence.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+15*LV| |HP+10000 for each LVup| **Belt of small infinite** {{equipment:accessories:belt_of_small_infinite.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+15*LV| |HP+10000 for each LVup| **Ever blooming necklace** {{equipment:accessories:ever_blooming_necklace.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+28*LV| |Passive: HP+50000 for each LVup| =====On-kill stat modifier===== **Giant slayer** {{equipment:weapons:giant_slayer.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+12*LV| |Passive: ATK+1 for each Giant killed| **Challenger's belt** {{equipment:accessories:challenger_belt.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+12*LV| |Passive: DEF+1 for each Giant killed| **Poison sword** {{equipment:weapons:poison_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+20*LV| |Passive: ATK-1 for each enemy killed| **Flame armor** {{equipment:accessories:flame_armor.png}} ^ Accessory | |ATK+15*LV DEF+15*LV| |Passive: DEF-1 for each enemy killed| **Brave sword** {{equipment:weapons:brave_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+24*LV| |Passive: ATK+1 for each enemy killed| **Life sword** {{equipment:weapons:life_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+3*LV| |Passive: Absorb 25% of enemy's HP| **Life claymore** {{equipment:weapons:life_claymore.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+25*LV| |Passive: Absorb 25% of enemy's HP| **Cape of angel** {{equipment:accessories:cape_of_angel.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+16*LV| |Passive: HP+10*LV for each enemy killed| =====Pickup modifier==== **Elemental piece** {{equipment:accessories:elemental_piece.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+2*LV| |Passive: Enhance Power piece and Guard piece(+1)| **Elemental gem** {{equipment:accessories:elemental_gem.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+4*LV| |Passive: Enhance Power gem and Guard gem(+2)| **Thief mattock** {{equipment:weapons:thief_mattock.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+4*LV| |Passive: Dig+2 each time you get a mattock| **Alchemist wand** {{equipment:weapons:alchemist_wand.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+6*LV| |Passive: Potion's healing Accessory +30%| **Moon necklace** {{equipment:accessories:moon_necklace.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+7*LV| |Enhance Drop of Dream ocean's Accessory(+40%)| **Raging blade** {{equipment:weapons:raging_blade.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+20*LV| |Passive: Nullify the Accessory of drop items and grant the Accessory of ATK+4| **Blindness taillace** {{equipment:accessories:blindness_taillace.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+20*LV| |Passive: Nullify the Accessory of drop items and grant the Accessory of DEF+4| **Magic cardcase** {{equipment:accessories:magic_cardcase.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+10*LV| |Passive: Enhance Cards / Deck(+20%)| **Cane of heaven** {{equipment:weapons:cane_of_heaven.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+6*LV| |Passive: Enhance Heavenly potion's effect (+66%)| =====XP Modifiers===== **Bladeless sword** {{equipment:weapons:bladeless_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+1*LV| |EXP+(enemy's LV*1)| **Bladeless claymore** {{equipment:weapons:bladeless_claymore.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+10*LV| |EXP+(enemy's LV*3)| **Golden tailfeather** {{equipment:accessories:golden_tailfeather.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+15*LV| |EXP+(your LV*1)| **Auto weapon** {{equipment:weapons:auto_weapon.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+30*LV| |Passive: EXP halved| =====Oaths====== **Oath of yellow** {{equipment:weapons:oath_of_yellow.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+5*LV| |EXPmultiplier + 10*Yellowkey(s)| **Oath of blue** {{equipment:accessories:oath_of_blue.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+LV*Bluekey(s)| **Oath of the crimson** {{equipment:weapons:oath_of_the_crimson.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+Level*Crimsonkey(s)| **Oath of violet** {{equipment:accessories:oath_of_violet.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+15*LV| |HPmultiplier+10*Violetkey(s)| **Oath of glory** {{equipment:weapons:oath_of_glory.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+LV*Glorykey(s)| |DEF+LV*Winner'skey(s)| =====Level-up options modifier===== **Yellow bandana** {{equipment:accessories:yellow_bandana.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+2*LV| |Active: 3 Yellowkey Bonus| **Blue bandana** {{equipment:accessories:blue_bandana.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+3*LV| |Active: 2 Bluekey Bonus| **Crimson bandana** {{equipment:accessories:crimson_bandana.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+4*LV| |Active: 1 Crimsonkey Bonus| **Violet bandana** {{equipment:accessories:violet_bandana.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+5*LV| |Active: 1 Violetkey Bonus| **Platinum bandana** {{equipment:accessories:platinum_bandana.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+6*LV| |Active: 1 Platinumkey Bonus| **Red legend** {{equipment:weapons:red_legend.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+9*LV| |Active: 1 Crimson key bonus| =====Blizzard===== **Iced sword** {{equipment:weapons:iced_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+15*LV| |Passive: Dissapears when moving the map| **Blizzard sword** {{equipment:weapons:blizzard_sword.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+30*LV| |Passive: Dissapears when moving the map| **Kori shuriken** {{equipment:accessories:kori_shuriken.png}} ^ Accessory | |ATK+15*LV| |Passive: Dissapears when moving the map| **Ice armor** {{equipment:accessories:ice_armor.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+30*LV| |Passive: Dissapears when moving the map| **Blizzard rod** {{equipment:weapons:blizzard_rod.png}} ^ Weapon | |ATK+10*LV| |ATK+30*LV DEF+10*LV on Blizzard Map| **Whirl cape** {{equipment:accessories:whirl_cape.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+10*LV| |ATK+10*LV DEF+30*LV on Blizzard Map| =====Misc===== **Celestial badge** {{equipment:accessories:celestial_badge.png}} ^ Accessory | |Passive: Halve the damage received| **Lhaplace's circlet** {{equipment:accessories:lhaplace_circlet.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+40*LV| |Passive: Exchange ATK and DEF for each battle| **Pop tail** {{equipment:accessories:pop_tail.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+14*LV| |Passive: Disable pop step countdown| **Kelt the Emperor's Potion** {{equipment:accessories:kelt_the_emperor_potion.png}} ^ Accessory | |DEF+40*LV ATK+40*LV| |Passive: Dissapear after the battle|