====== Welcome ====== Welcome to the unofficial Tactical Nexus wiki! [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1141290/Tactical_Nexus/|Tactical Nexus]] is a resource management puzzle RPG inspired by Magic Tower games. \\ It features a focus on meta-progression, giving the game thousands of hours of replayability. Check it out on [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1141290/Tactical_Nexus/|Steam]]! Want to contribute to the wiki? [[contribution|Register and then click here!]] ==== Quick access ===== **[[:towers]]** [[:towers:chapter-1]] | [[:towers:chapter-2]] | [[:towers:chapter-3]] | [[:towers:chapter-4]] | [[:towers:chapter-5]] | [[:towers:chapter-6]] | [[:towers:chapter-7]] \\ [[:towers:special]] **[[:equipment]]** [[:equipment:weapons]] | [[:equipment:accessories]] | [[:equipment:orbs]] **[[:unlockables:start|Unlockables]]** [[:unlockables:magic]] | [[:unlockables:legacy]] | [[:unlockables:mystic_gate]] | [[:unlockables:devices]]