====== Tactical tutorial ====== Tactical tutorial is the first tower of the game, introducing the core game mechanics as well as Golden Feathers and Heart Crowns. \\ » [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tutorial:guides|Guides]] ^ **Initial Stats** ^| ^ **HP** | 1000 | ^ **ATK** | 50 | ^ **DEF** | 0 | ^ **HP Mult** | 100% | ^ **XP Mult** | 100% | ^ **Level-up Options** ^^^^^| | {{:levelups:atk.png|Attack}}**4+LV** ||| {{:levelups:def.png|Defense}}**8+2*LV** ||| | {{:levelups:yellowkey.png|3x Yellow key}} || {{:levelups:bluekey.png|2x Blue key}} || {{:levelups:redkey.png|1x Crimson key}} || | | | | | | | ^ ^ **Floor** ^ ^ {{:misc:mclear1.png|Clear 1}} | {{.:tactical_tutorial:main:4f.png?linkonly|Main 4F}} | ^ {{:misc:mclear2.png|Clear 2}} | {{.:tactical_tutorial:main:7f.png?linkonly|Main 7F}} | ^ {{:misc:mclear3.png|Clear 3}} | {{.:tactical_tutorial:nexus:nexus7.png?linkonly|Nexus 7F}} | ^ ^ **Silver** | ^ **HP Sunwisher** | {{.:tactical_tutorial:medal:medal2.png?linkonly|Medal 2F}} | ^ **ATK Sunwisher** | {{.:tactical_tutorial:medal:medal2.png?linkonly|Medal 2F}} | ^ **DEF Sunwisher** | {{.:tactical_tutorial:medal:medal2.png?linkonly|Medal 2F}} | ^ **Scoring** ^| | {{:medals:sunstone.png}} | **+1,500,000** | | {{:medals:diamond.png}} | **10,000,000** | | {{:medals:plat.png}} | **1,550,000** | | {{:medals:gold.png}} | **1,200,000** | | {{:medals:silver.png}} | **650,000** | | {{:medals:bronze.png}} | **200,000** | ---- ===== Floors ===== === Medal room === {{gallery>.:tactical_tutorial:medal?lightbox&180x180&showtitle }} === Main tower === {{gallery>.:tactical_tutorial:main?lightbox&180x180&showtitle }} === Nexus === {{gallery>.:tactical_tutorial:nexus?lightbox&180x180&showtitle }} **[[:towers:Chapter-1]]** [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tutorial|]] • [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tower_new|]] • [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tower_d|]]\\ [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tower_k|]] • [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_trip_mini|]] • [[towers:chapter-1:tactical_tower_G|]]