====== Legacies ====== Legacies are a type of unlockable that cost Sunstones to provide an instant or ongoing effect. Each one may only used once per run of a tower, and may be used in any stage that has Legacies/Magic allowed (any stage in Gate mode, and most Chapter 6 towers onwards). =====Normal Legacies===== **Medicine Dictionary(Red)** {{unlockables:legacy:reddictionary.png}} |All Red potions give an additional +100 HP and grant +1 ATK.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 100 | |**Device Bonus**: Sunstone cost is reduced, and red potions give extra HP.| | **Obtained in: Final tutorial ** | **Blessing Bell** {{unlockables:legacy:blessingbell.png}} |Each level up restores 1000 HP (affected by HP Multiplier).| ^ Sunstone Cost: 50 | |**Device Bonus**: Base HP gained is increased.| | **Obtained in: OLD ** | **Bless of Guardian** {{unlockables:legacy:blessofguardian.png}} |You instantly gain 5000 EXP, unaffected by EXP Multiplier. This Legacy is unaffected by Magic Jammers.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 150 | |**Device Bonus**: A percentage of your max Sunstones is given as extra EXP.| | **Obtained in: OLD ** | **Rainbow Badge** {{unlockables:legacy:rainbowbadge.png}} |Gain 25 DEF.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 10 | |**Device Bonus**: Extra DEF is given and cost is reduced. At level 6, it is automatically activated for free.| | **Obtained in: Rainbow ** | **Medicine Dictionary(Green)** {{unlockables:legacy:green_dictionary.png}} |All Green Potions give 1.5x more HP.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 100 | |**Device Bonus**: Green Potions give extra HP, and sunstone cost is reduced.| | **Obtained in: Ephemeral ** | **Pendant of the Nexus Child** {{unlockables:legacy:nexus_pendant.png}} |The effect of is changed to the following: DEF+(12+(LV/15))*LV. (Level/15 is rounded down.)| ^ Sunstone Cost: 500 | | **Obtained in: Ephemeral ** | **Prayer of the Lost** {{unlockables:legacy:lost_prayer.png}} |Every time a Magic that consumes MP is used, gain 20000 HP. This is unaffected by HP Multiplier.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 100 | |**Device Bonus**: More HP is given per magic cast.| | **Obtained in: Fill ** | **Gift to the Fulfilled** {{unlockables:legacy:gift_fulfill.png}} |Every time a level up that reaches a level that's a multiple of 10, gain 1 extra MP. If it's a multiple of 100, gain an extra 2 MP as well.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 500 | | **Obtained in: Fill ** | **Lunar Key** {{unlockables:legacy:lunar_ice.png}} |Insantly gain one Ice Key.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 250 | | **Obtained in: Glacier(Gate) ** | **Blessing from Heaven** {{unlockables:legacy:heaven_bless.png}} |All Heavenly potions give an additional +1500 HP, +1 ATK and +1 DEF.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 350 | |**Device Bonus**: Cost is reduced, and Heavenlies give more HP.| | **Obtained in: Glacier ** | **Banishment from Real** {{unlockables:legacy:banishment_real.png}} |Equip Necklace of the Bereaved on the spot. Additionally, reduce the MP cost of to 0 for one cast.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 800 | | **Obtained in: Glacier(Gate) ** | **Aurora Badge** {{unlockables:legacy:aurora_badge.png}} |Increase ATK by 25.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 10 | |**Device Bonus**: Extra ATK is given and cost is reduced. At level 6, it is automatically activated for free.| | **Obtained in: Aurora ** | **Temporary Miracle** {{unlockables:legacy:temp_miracle.png}} |Gain ATK and DEF for the next battle equal to the amount of **current** unspent Sunstones you have.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 0 | |**Device Bonus**: With devices, you gain the ability to reactivate this legacy for a scaling Sunstone cost.| | **Obtained in: Aurora ** | **Bless of the Last One** N/A |Summons a Silver EXP Sunwisher on the spot. This can only be activated in rooms where your sunstone/medal count is displayed.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 0 | | **Obtained in: Phantom ** | **Pendant of Dot** N/A |You are able to reuse any Solar Legacy already activated, other then Solar Gate.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 0 | |**Device Bonus**: With devices, any reused Solar Legacy is is discounted.| | **Obtained in: Aurora ** | **Drop of Summer Ocean** {{unlockables:legacy:drop_of_summer_ocean.png}} |Current and Max HP is increased by 30,000.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 50 | |**Device Bonus**: Cost is reduced, and HP gained is increased.| | **Obtained in: Beach ** | **Cold Sunset Ice** {{unlockables:legacy:cold_sunset_ice.png}} |MP is increased by 5.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 50 | |**Device Bonus**: Cost is reduced. At Level 6, it is automatically activated for free.| | **Obtained in: Beach(Gate) ** | =====Solar Legacies===== **Solar Mattock** {{unlockables:legacy:solarmattock.png}} |Pave the cell in front of you like a Reclamation Orb. This works on tiles that are not normally paveable, such as no pave tiles and thin air.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 25% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced.| | **Obtained in: Final tutorial ** | **Solar Gate** {{unlockables:legacy:solargate.png}} |A Solar Gate portal is placed at your feet that allows you to warp to the Moon Gate location. Both the Solar and the Moon Gate must be placed for you to use them.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 25% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced.| | **Obtained in: OLD ** | **Moon Gate** {{unlockables:legacy:moongate.png}} |A Moon Gate portal is placed at your feet that allows you to warp to the Solar Gate location. Both the Solar and the Moon Gate must be placed for you to use them.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 200 | |**Device Bonus**: Cost is reduced.| | **Obtained in: OLD ** | **Solar Elixir** {{unlockables:legacy:solarelixir.png}} |Instantly gain 99 MP.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 60% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: MP gained is increased.| | **Obtained in: Rainbow ** | **Solar Key** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_winner.png}} |Instantly gain one Winner key.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 20% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced. Every 3 levels, gain an extra Yellow Key on activation.| | **Obtained in: Ephemeral ** | **Solar Orb** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_teleport.png}} |Instantly gain **two** Teleport orbs.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 22% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced. At Level 9, gain an extra orb.| | **Obtained in: Ephemeral ** | **Solar Key** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_glory.png}} |Instantly gain one Glory key.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 20% of Max Sunstones | | **Obtained in: Fill ** | **Solar Orb** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_swap.png}} |Instantly gain one Swap orb.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 18% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced. At Level 8, gain an additional orb.| | **Obtained in: Fill ** | **Sunstone Cross** {{unlockables:legacy:sunstone_cross.png}} |The effect of Solar Cross is chaged to the following: (DEF+10*LV Passive: HP+20000 on level up).| ^ Sunstone Cost: 20% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced, and Cross gives more HP on level up.| | **Obtained in: Fill ** | **Solar Orb** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_pave.png}} |Instantly gain one Pave orb.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 20% of Max Sunstones | | **Obtained in: Glacier(Gate) ** | **Soot of the Blazing Spirit** {{unlockables:legacy:blazing_soot.png}} |While equipped with a Fire Knife or Blade, gain an additional +7 ATK on level up.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 12% of Max Sunstones | | **Obtained in: Glacier(Gate) ** | **Ultra Mattock** {{unlockables:legacy:ultra_mattock.png}} |Instantly get 99 Digs.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 8% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Gain extra digs. At breakpoints, gain extra digs on picking up mattocks (like Thief Mattock weapon).| | **Obtained in: Aurora ** | **Solar Orb** {{unlockables:legacy:solar_blizzard.png}} |Instantly get one Blizzard Orb.| ^ Sunstone Cost: 30% of Max Sunstones | |**Device Bonus**: Percentage cost is reduced.| | **Obtained in: Aurora ** |