
If you want to contribute to the wiki, simply contact me requesting editor access.
I will give this access with my own discretion.

Contact methods
  • Email:
  • Discord: Uberzolik#5241

This wiki is built using DokuWiki
The following will be a listing of the various plugins in use in this wiki.
You may need to read up on these pages to make full use of them; the UI isn't terribly informative.
If you need me to implement a certain CSS styling to use with the Wrap plugin, let me know (preferably with the CSS given)
There's also the official syntax guide, found here:

  • Wrap plugin (allows inserting divs with provided classes, see page for reference)
  • Gallery plugin (provides the lightbox-style gallery seen in Tower pages)
  • Folded plugin (I haven't used this yet! Might be useful.)
Personal edits
  • Regarding the gallery plugin, I implemented support for &showtitle to display the EXIF Title of PNGs.
    This is used to display room names. I suggest exiftool alongside some script or macro to make the process less tedious.
    I'm looking into modifying the php for the Media Manager to make this possible within the wiki.
  • I've implemented a handful of extra Wrap classes, mainly to get around certain issues.
    hidelastrow exists because Chrome forces tables to line up, resulting in tables like the level-up one in Tactical tutorial to display wrong.
    bumpleft adds a 20% left margin. I use this for the navigation panels at the bottom of tower pages.
    boxshadow adds the box shadow used in the header, sidebar, and some of the navigation panels.

You can deduce most of the wiki structure (and modify it) by just looking at the wiki pages, but I'll leave a few details for ease of access.

Page creation and file uploading
  • DokuWiki uses a tree structure, and I've tried to sort the pages in a way that makes sense with this.
  • You may need to look up how formatting works. The DokuWiki site has a decent amount of information. You can use “\\” to create linebreaks.
  • Icons for level-up choices and medals are stored in levelups and Medals, respectively.
    Perhaps it would be good to have these in their own namespace, to hold all the general sprites for reference.
  • Tower floors are sorted inside their own namespace, separated by main, nexus, medal, and warp.
    Main uses 1f-99f. For basement towers (like Heavy) you can use &reverse with the b99f-b1f format, and it should display fine.
    Towers with both basement and normal floors are kind of weird.
    I just used filenames that let them be ordered properly when sorted alphabetically. Refer to Tactical trip Premium in the Media Manager for an example.
  • Files that go in the strategy page (like memos) should be uploaded to the specific tower's namespace under a new namespace called “Strategy”.
  • To add a new subnamespace in the wiki, just create a new page within the subspace (creating a page in /contribution/test would create a Contribution namespace)
  • To add a new subnamespace in the media section, upload the image with the subnamespace appended to the name with “:”
    (clicking Chapter-5 and uploading dawn_tactical_palace:main:1f.png would create the corresponding namespaces.)
  • Besides the namespace templates, I've also made a Templates page for referencing.

There's plenty of things missing from the wiki right now, which I am not too sure whether it is worth cataloguing.
I will leave a somewhat generic to-do list here. If you want to work on something not listed here, go ahead!
I suggest looking at the page source for the other pages for reference.
I've implemented templates in Towers, Accessories and Weapons. These autofill when you create a new page within the namespace.
Unfortunately templates can only be added from the server side, so let me know if you want me to add one. Refer to Namespace Templates for reference of what templates can do.

  • Dawn tactical palace is missing, as I have not had the time to play it yet.
    The equipment list is incomplete due to Dawn, as well.
  • Ruin of the sorcerer is missing as well. I'm just lazy since I don't have any saves I can load for this.
  • None of the strategy pages are particularily populated right now. It'd be good to get some good information in there.
    I don't have a very strong idea of what that could look like (besides Memo guides), so I'll leave it to your discretion.
  • I'm uncertain how and where to categorize things like Orbs. Are they equipment? Pickups? Should we have a Pickups page?
  • The previous map website featured enemy stats for each tower. Is this an useful feature? If we include said info, would it go in a separate page? Worth discussing.
  • If it wasn't obvious, I'm not very good at graphic design. If you wish to help make the site less bland looking, let me know!

Please contact me if you think I should specify something else in this page. I tried to add everything I could think of!